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b00m! goes Tuesday, December 31, 2002

I'm home!
Thanks for the call Brian! You sure know how to cheer me up even when i don't need cheering!
(thanks for the visit too!)

Nothing's changed, but then, i never really expected it to. You got sucked in. That's just too bad. But it's sad cuz i think you could get out if you wanted it, but you don't. Do you enjoy feeling helpless? It sure seems like it. He got you. But i won't slip. He won't get me too.

I'm happy, and that's all there is to it. I bought new snowpants, they're baby blue, and they're so sweet. I might even get to go boarding with Jacqueline, Jordan, and Jeremy on the first. But you don't care. And that doesn't matter.

I'm soooo happy, baby.

Elya! Initiations start monday! Bring your video camera, yo!
Marcus! Start practicing! When i was young... i never needed anyone! lol.
la la la la la la la! la la la la la la la! *sings dishwasher commercial* heeheehee...
Spud! I'm happy! I'm feelin' glad! I got sunshine! In a bag! That is SO our song.

Anywhos. I'm leaving town for New Year's, i'll be back on the first. Have a great new year!

girlie let loose @ 10:43 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Thursday, December 26, 2002


David, i'm sorry. I really can't try to justify what i did, i'm not going to go into it. Let's just say i reacted on my anger, and i probably should have waited and cooled down before taking any action. I know that you and i won't always get along, but i do apologize, and i know that we can stay friends. Also, thank you for doing the same, and helping to make peace. I hope that didn't sound too formal, because i do mean it.

Michael, find the address yourself if you think it's really important that David sees the e-mail. And on a side note, i'd appreciate it if you could maybe be more specific than 'people' when you're telling me that people are tired of what i'm saying. 'People' does me absolutely no good.

Courtenay, Merry Christmas to you too! I only have one thing to comment on. You say that you think that David needs someone to stand up for him, which i took to mean that i don't. Usually, it's true, i'll stick up for myself. But it seems that my method of defense isn't exactly to your liking. If i recall - immature. That's your opinion, but i certainly don't see it that way. Anyways, thank you for giving your input in a calm manner, much more effective.

Brian, I liked what you had to say, thank you. I hope you got a chance to read the rest of my posts from yesterday, they weren't all so - angry. Hope your holidays are going well!

That's all i've got for now, i hope i've helped to clear up most - if not all - of this sticky situation

girlie let loose @ 8:16 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

Ok. It's sad, but i just can't let this go.

(I'm bolded, and David is in normal type)

I just wanted to ensure that you fully understand my reaction to your little *rant*. Here are the thoughts that entered my mind as i read your post.

GRAG!!! This makes me so fricking angry! I try to make Jen feel better about her missing Jeremy over the next four days by giving her an example of a time that Shannon were apart for a long time

Yes David. Saying how much worse it was for you is sooo very helpful. Why, it made me feel so much better that i lashed back!

and how hard it was and saying be grateful it's only four days, and what is done?!??? It is thrown right back into my face! GAH! Being told, oh I already know how it feels, the situations are different...

Well, they *are* different. You can't estimate how i feel until you've lived my situation.

Well guess what, you can sure bet your ass the situations are different, I see Shannon pretty much six days a week. She has become a part of my life, a part of me. I depend on her. When we're apart it feels like something is missing.

and i ---- don't depend on him? I don't feel like a piece of me is missing when he's gone?

So don't go comparing being apart in the summer, in the infancy

Now wait a sec. Let's just stop right there. 'infancy'? INFANCY?! Are you on fucking crack? That 'infancy' was at 10 months. Are you trying to call me a child?

of a relationship, for a long time to my being apart for nearly five weeks from someone who has been part and parcel of my life for a year and a half to that!

Is the length of your relationship supposed to impress me into submission? Cause all it's making me do is see just how pompous you are. You are so full of yourself!

Do you have any idea what it is like not to be able to talk to that person, when you share all of your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams, your fears with her? When she knows just by hearing your voice what your mood is? When you can sit in silence for three hours, just watching the world go by and not feel the least bit awkward??? Do you have any idea what it is like to have no contact what so ever for almost an entire month with that person, that person that has insinuated (do you even *know* what insinuated means? Cause that sentence makes no sense. Let me help you out. "insin'uate vt. hint" Oh yeah, she's totally 'hinted' herself into your life. smooth.) herself into your life so that you aren't even sure what things were like before hand???

Change every 'her' into a 'him' and hell yes. I do have an idea. I do know. I tried to say that. But i guess an 'infant' couldn't possibly identify that kind of emotion, right? And by the way, you misspelled beforehand. it's one word. Gee, that really takes away from the 'seriousness' of your rant.

This is not an obsession, oh no, these are deep seated feelings and a bond that took TIME to grow. It frustrates me that you think you can just step in and all of a sudden say "Yes, I know what you are thinking, but mine is worse."

Um, i think you're confused. YOU stepped in and said "Yes, i know what you are thinking, but mine is worse." Or did you forget that already?

Well guess what? It might not be!!! I tried to make you feel better, but no, accepting it and saying, "Gee, thanks David, it's nice of you to put things in perspective, maybe you're right."

Accepting *what* exactly David? The fact that my relationship with Jeremy is obviously so trivial that i couldn't possibly miss him enough to earn your approval? I don't think so.

You pretty much said "No David, I don't think so." I'm sick and tired of people doing that! I try to help but people are too caught up in themselves that they think that I'm being totally self-righteous or that I can have no idea what it's like to be them.

Yeah, i said that. Cause what you told me was that i wouldn't miss him. I believe your exact words were "Trust me Jen, not seeing Jeremy for four days is nothing. You'll miss him a bit, but"... and there's that *but*. I'll miss him a *bit*, but... not really. But... not as much as i miss Shannon when she goes away. But... you guys are really just friends, you'll probably forget he even left. Is that what you were thinking? huh?

Honnestly, sometimes I just think to myself, fuck it, who cares, if they're going to react that way, is it really worth it?

First, you misspelled honestly. Wow, David, and i thought you were smart. Typos really take away from the effect of a good rant. Now you just look like a fool to me. Yeah, that's right, i'm laughing at you. And i'm enjoying it. Second, no, it's not worth it, so why don't you stop trying to run other people's lives?

I don't think so. Grrr. I'm just becoming unintelligible, so I'm going to stop now.

*whew*! Thank goodness he decided to stop the madness! My feelings were almost hurt!

If I've offended or hurt any of you in my rage, I whole heartedly apologize, but to some of you,

Aw, you don't mean me, do you Davey? Gee, whatever did i do? *pukes* You make me sick. Riiight, you *apologize*. Ok then.

I did not invite you to read this blog, and what you read here you read at your own risk. Like it or lump it this is how I think and that's all I have to say about that.

Well, if that's all you have to say, i'm disappointed. I expected you to have at least one good point... i mean, you typed a whole lot to say absolutely nothing, except to prove you're even more stuck-up than i thought. So wait, if my calculations are correct -- and they always are, then i see that... I did absolutely nothing wrong, and you're just acting like an oversized two year old! Yep, that's definitely it. Sound self-absorbed? That's what i took from you every day i sat with you on the bus. Every day that i listened to you talk. I'm so great, and they're so bad. Me and Shannon have lasted forever... blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong. I really like Shannon, i think she's great. I think it was really brave of her to stand up and take math by correspondence, even though she has to do it alone now. But you? nope, definitely don't like you. I forgave you once for stabbing me in the back. But this. This is unforgivable.

girlie let loose @ 12:26 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Hey all! Merry Christmas!

I'm going to reiterate something that i've commonly been seeing in people's blogs! You all know it's true, and so does he!

Brian. You *are* amazing!

I mean, really, let's consider this. For me...

Everytime i experience thoughts that i cannot put into words because i feel like no one will understand, suddenly Brian is there, saying exactly what i was thinking. He'll just walk up and start talking, and it's like he's reading my mind, giving me the words to express my thoughts.

Brian's all for freedom of speech. He doesn't sit on the fence, but he believes in fairness, and he always helps me to see two sides to any argument. Thanks to him, much turmoil in my life has quickly been resolved.

Most of the specific events i have in my mind occurred last year, grade nine. Remember then? Me and Brian were inseperable, and i can't even begin to express how glad i am that we've stayed friends, and are still as close as we are.

Brian, i remember the exact day i met you. Do you remember? Of course you do! We reminisce on that day too often to forget. The event we have troble pinpointing is when we actually became friends.

You're great, as Brina, Brianna, Brain, or Brian. I love who you are! You're my good buddy Brian. And i mean that with my entire being.

Thanks for everything!

girlie let loose @ 11:34 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

Wait, i take that back. You have the right to bitch all you want, but don't expect me to take it seriously. Everyone says you're so fucking mature? Well, i say you're about as mature as a five year old.

girlie let loose @ 4:32 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

ok, you know what? I'm in a blind rage.

Who the fuck do you think you are to smash the way i feel? You act so condescending towards me, like you're so wise and experienced and you take TIME to do things. Well you know what? You're a jackass. And i mean that. You're the same age as me!!! What the hell?! Because something is important to me, and i haven't been around it for more than a year, it's all a big act? You think i'm still fucking 8 years old David?? I think i would know my own fucking feelings, and you had no right to bitch like that. Fuck. You.

girlie let loose @ 4:30 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

Hey all!

I'm home for a couple of days. Whew. Just got finished opening all my gifts!! How exciting! w00t! Seriously tho, my parents got me a DIGITAL CAMERA OMG it is so sweet. And i got another camera form my Dad and Sue and it's really nice too. So watch out, i'm snapping pictures every couple of seconds. I also got the new OLP cd, very nice. Let me think, what else... Lots of Body Shop stuff... ahh i smell so perty! And a coffee mug with the periodic table of the elements on it (for me, the chem nerd).Aaaaaand some jewelry and a wooden star puzzle thingy... OOHHHHHH!!!! BRIAN! My sis got me the Harry Potter version of CHESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! We are SO playing. Anywho....

I hope all you guys are having great christmases.(if that's a word...) I'll chat at y'all later!

girlie let loose @ 3:43 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, December 21, 2002

Hey guys.

I don't really have anything to say, but i thought i'd let you know that i added a little more to my breathe freely, so you should check it out. I added the link on my sidebar.... ooh look how nice i fixed it up! I'm actually getting better at this html thing!


I'll be at my dad's for the next couple of days, so i'm not gonna post or check any blogs for fear that the addresses stay on his comp and are visited by members of the family. Plus all they have is a dial-up connection. (they live out in the boonies now!!! no cable!!! gah!) I will be checking, or at least trying to check, my e-mail, so send me lots of beautiful poems and such!!! lol. And i love getting phone calls at my dad's, i'm always so bored... so call me aight?? It's not long distance or anything! Please! call!!

Luv y'all. ('specially you hun! lol.... i wish you could see this.)

girlie let loose @ 10:45 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Friday, December 20, 2002

I think i'm gonna cry.
Listening to: Love and Basketball - Our Destiny

ok, here comes a spiel about Jeremy, so if you wanna skip the obsession, don't read the next paragraph...

I'm shaking a little. I just talked to Jeremy, and i'm so sad now. He's leaving at midnight for Saskatchewan, and he won't be back until the 23rd. I'm going to miss him so much! I guess it never really hit me until he said "i gotta go, i hafta pack." And i realized this was the last time i'd be talking to him until the 24th seeing as he won't be home until late of the 23rd. I felt like i had to say something. Tell him something... but i wasn't sure what. I never got the chance. We said a quick goodbye, and now i'm missing him already. I don't know what it is. I think i feel a little wierd because, originally, going into the dance yesterday, i wasn't planning on dancing with anyone, and when Ryan asked me, i told him i couldn't, cause i'd feel guilty about it later, even though i don't think Jeremy would mind. But later i did dance with him, and i was right, i feel bad about it. But i can't figure out why. He's a good friend of mine, and it's not like i'm suddenly thinking, "well, maybe i like Ryan." Cause i DON'T. I just think that this will add to the pain i'm feeling from Jeremy's absence. Although i have discovered one good thing. Because we go to different schools, and i don't see him very often, when i do get to be with him, it's so much better. It makes every moment more precious, and i think that's great. I love you baybee.

Alright, enough about that, are you done puking? lol. sorry bout that folks. Anyways.

I found out that three more people i thought were clean are druggies and have been for at least a year or two. That hurts. It's not hurt because they haven't told me until now. It's hurt because i'm now a giant stressball. I am the kind of person who worries. And now a couple more of my close friends are causing me worry. I don't know how many, if any at all, of the people who read this blog do or have ever tried doing drugs, but i hope i offend you when i say that is the stupidest fucking thing you can ever do. And no, that's not a typo, if you're doing drugs, then i DO want to slap you in the face. Important to know, however, that i am not directing this to the - what? 4 or 5 people who read this, i'm directing it at the whole world. But only you guys will see it. I'm almost in a state of panic. These are my friends. These are poeple i care about. What happens if they get caught, get sent to jail, or worse, get mugged or killed or something in some big drug war. Ok, i know that sounds stupid, because i'm overreacting. But the truth is, these people are in so much danger of getting into serious trouble. And there's no way in hell i'm going to rat them out. Right, that'll be the day. But i will worry... what am i supposed to do?

I also found out something i wasn't supposed to know. And now i can't tell anyone. But hell, why am i talking about it then?

I worked with Doug tonight. I found out he's really not a bad guy... he's just really really slow at work. I get so frustrated because it gets busy and he can't handle it so i end up doing both our jobs. ARG. ah well, what are ya gonna do, right?

Jeremy's probably leaving his house for the bus station right now. I can't help but think, i hope he misses me like hell. Then when he gets back, he'll be all the happier to see me. Have fun, hunny. And bring Shawnie back so i can see him too.

G'night all.

girlie let loose @ 11:01 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Re: (no subject.... just general type-speak)
Listening to: The Kids - Slim Shady

See children drugs are baaaaaad,
If you don't believe me ask your daaaaaad.
And if you don't believe him ask you mooooooom,
She'll tell you how she does em' all the tiiiiiiiime.
So kids say no to druuuuuugs,
So you don't act like everyone else doooooeeees.
There's really nothing else to saaaaaay,
Drugs are just bad mmkaaaaaay?

Hey all. I'm posting! Lookamego!
That is a wicked song. I recommend every one of you go out and download it. I'm on a small high. weee! I did more christmas shopping today... i cleaned the chocolate-shit off my pants, i have a waste of a day tomorrow (DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY!!!) and i'm now posting... the only thing that could possibly bring me down is... oh shit. Yep. English homework that's what. Damn Earnest questions... blast! I better get on those.

Bye all!

girlie let loose @ 7:49 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Well, i'm on a roll so let's stay POSITIVE! w00t!

I had a not so bad day today, except for one little thing we won't speak of. *coughmichaelyoumeaniecough*
Math was -- more boring than usual. I swear to God, EVERYONE was falling asleep.
I don't have a whole lot to say tho.
Talking to Josh on msn. Let's have a look at some of that!
Josh says:so how you doing (cutie)
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:lol, great actually. Never been better
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:Except when you were working with me!!
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:lol
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:and you?
Josh says:ok
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:just ok?
Josh says:sure
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:how come?
Josh says:why not
Josh says:i am on a mission of self discovery
Josh says:lol
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:w00t!
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:cool

Ahhh he's so cool. I tell ya i miss that guy. For all those of you who are lost, i used to work with him.
I haven't talked to him for a while.
wait here's some more:

Josh says:i love you

WTF??? Let's go on...

J's girl. (pink x green.) says:
Josh says:it true
Josh says:and we dont say it enough
Josh says:and it drugs
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:it *drugs*?
Josh says:that slang for i aint on them
Josh says:word
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:i see
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:what??
Josh says:i love you
Josh says:huge
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:since when?
Josh says:since that one time when we were in the shower
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:i think you're confused buddy.
J's girl. (pink x green.) says:*is puzzled*
Josh says:lol
Josh says:relax

Ok, so we cool. Let's hope he never pulls that again.
lol, good old Josh.
Anywho. i hope you enjoyed that!! I sure did!

girlie let loose @ 8:54 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Monday, December 16, 2002

Hey hunny,

A lot of people that i've talked to have told me that they use their blogger for writing how they feel. Well, that's what i am going to do. I'm going to attempt to describe the way i feel right now. It's for you.

The thing is, when i miss you, i miss you with my entire being. I ache for you. I long for the sound of your voice, your soft hair, your beautiful eyes that see right into me. I can't eat, can't sleep, can barely breathe.

When i think about you, i stop focussing. All logic goes out the window, and suddenly everyone is my best friend and i have enough patience to deal with one thousand two-year olds all at once. All from the picture i have of you that never leaves my mind.

When i hear your voice, i want to cry. It provokes within me something i never knew existed. It hurts so bad, because it makes me want to see you. But hearing you talk to me, even the simplest hey, how are you makes me so happy i feel like i could fly. From the first day i heard you speak and my stomach was filled with butterflies, i've been addicted to your voice.

When i feel you touch me, my hand, my arm, my face, my waist, a sudden wave of electricity courses through my entire body, spreading outward from the place that you touch me. It's like being nervous, and i love it.

But when i see you.
The feeling cannot even be put into words.
I stand a few meters away from you, pausing.
I see your gorgeous face, your expressions.
You're laughing, and suddenly i can't take it.
I run towards you.
You see me and your whole face lights up, and that moment in itself is inexplicable joy.
Then you turn to me and hug me, and suddenly nothing could possibly go wrong, you could abuse me so bad, and i'd never leave. Sometimes that scares me a little. But i know you would never ever abuse that power. Something about you, it drags me towards you and as long as you were there with your arms outstretched, i'd come running. All you have to do is say my name and all my other responsibilities fly out the window.
If you said 'jump', the only thing that would stop me is the fact that if i died, i'd never see you again.
As i've said before, the most fulfilling thing about you is the fact that you are the only thing i have complete and total faith in. I don't believe in God. I don't believe that anything lasts forever, or that there is any higher power that gives a fuck about us. But i believe in you.
I love you so much!! How to explain... i've only touched the tip of my emotions...

girlie let loose @ 10:21 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, December 14, 2002

Well. I've just been around reading posts... and well - let me just say i'm shocked. I swear to god i just---- can't say it.


girlie let loose @ 11:56 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

Re: Countdown to Calm
Listening to: somethin' on Power 92... Chris Shep remixes i believe.

Oh man, it's been a couple of days since i posted... sorry folks, i was at my aunt's.

Well, i think my rage is finally subsiding. I was really mad on friday because all my christmas plans are screwed!!! AGH!! But you know what? That's ok. I can deal, i get to spend lots of time with my family, and that will be great because i don't get to do that much anymore. Mike gave Sarah and I each $100 bucks tonight as a Christmas present. I'm in awe. I've never possessed a hundred dollar bill in my life. They're so kewwwwllll!! (there's Jen. Giddyness returning.. returning.... installed.) Anywho, i'm supposed to be sleeeeping... ha! We all know how much of that i do!! Not much!! *sigh* But i really best be going. I love you all! (Especially you. I miss you baybeee)

girlie let loose @ 11:19 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Wednesday, December 11, 2002


Kudos to two people!

Corky! For the recommendation of HaloScan

And Brain!! For helping me actually do the html pasting (moral support!!), and for saying, yeah, well, that's why i kept blogout. Fine, good old Brina.

Anywhos, check out my new system, it dun get any better than this... tho i will miss the option of being able to pick out animated smilies... ah well, pretty much all of you know the smiley codes anyways!!

girlie let loose @ 5:09 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Hey ho! lol, i just had to say it.

This is fun, i think i like my bloggie baby.

Going to go work on english now.... oh man.

girlie let loose @ 9:27 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Sunday, December 08, 2002

I tried to make a phone call tonight, but it didn't work out as i had planned it. I didn't even get to say hi and i love you. i guess that's what makes me sad. Now my plans are unsure. Otherwise, my weekend wasn't so bad. As you can see, friday night was a high point. But i worked all day yesterday and did some intense shopping today so i'm drained.

Are you mad at me? I'm sorry, i didn't mean it, please come back to me, i can't live without you. I've never been more serious in my life. I keep telling myself it isn't happening but the truth is i can't breathe right now because i miss you so much. I can only hope that i see you and talk to you tomorrow and you can tell me that everything will be alright and i'll believe you because i believe every word you say and i'm not sure if that's a good thing, but i think it is. For the first time in my life, i have complete faith in something, and it's you. So please for the love of god don't be distant. That's the worst thing you could do to me right now. Be distant. Don't be distant. I love you

girlie let loose @ 10:08 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Friday, December 06, 2002

Hey all. So from what i hear, there are better commenting systems, and yes, Jarrah, it's an hour off but i think you have a pretty good impression of what my html skills are like so yes, help would be MOST welcome! I went shopping at West Ed. today. Sooo fun, i tell ya, walking around the mall for 5 hours with crazy people that i love cannot be beat. I even got a christmas prezzie from Elya, and i got Jeremy one too! yay! That leaves... oh man, waaaay too many people still. Ah, well what are ya gonna do? (when they come for you.. bad boys bad Well, it's way past my bedtime (ha. ha.) and i have to work tomorrow so... later!

girlie let loose @ 11:42 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

You can call me Lyra. I've got brown hair, blue eyes, and psychotic tendancies. Currently, my favorite song is You and Me (cover) by Simple Plan, my favorite movie is Kill Bill, my favorite book is 1984 by George Orwell, and i'm feeling The current mood of at


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