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b00m! goes Monday, February 24, 2003

{music: none}

Okie dokie. It seems that my site is good for vent-age. That's cool. I can respect a good rant, in fact, i'm quite proud of a few of my own. You know what though? Wrin, you're partially right. I agree that i should never have expected this to stay private. So, that's that. I'll still move - simply for the perk of having ICONS. But i've decided to back up my words 100% all the time, or keep my mouth shut, in your words.

I had an awesome night at work. Did lots of giggling. Found out many things i should not know, and will cease to think about unless he decides to come to me and tell me about them. Doug is freaking hilarious. He's a great kid. We're going shopping for b-day prezzies for Jer on thursday... that should be cool.

anyways, i'm gonna watch CSI with Mike... talk to y'all later!



girlie let loose @ 10:34 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Monday, February 17, 2003

black and blue.
{music: talking to Jarrah on the phone... no, wait, now it's my Avril cd}

lol. Funny story. I'm at the mall on Sunday shopping for bathing suits with my mother. We finally find one, buy it, and head to the food court for some grub. I felt like a beef and cheddar so i walked up to Arby's and looked at Doug, who had dyed his hair black. I said "What did you do to your hair?" He laughed and said, "wanna see something cool?" Then leaned into the mike and said "Jeremy!". Jeremy walked up front. I looked up and said "HOLY- hi." He grinned. His hair is dark navy blue. mrrow. He walked over and said "I have a confession to make. I dyed my hair." I laughed. I laughed long and hard. I go sit down with my mom and she says, "What did Jeremy do to his hair?" I said "Quiet. That's the color i wanted to dye my hair but you wouldn't let me. *pout* ". She didn't seem to notice the pout. Good times all around. It's very different, but still, i like it.

Stupid fucking haloscan. Grag.

*calls Brian*

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. yucky school. yummy chem. i guess it all balances out.

Brian is such a good friend. He listens to me even if i've already told him about it three times. Gotta love em'.


girlie let loose @ 9:12 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

{music: radio}

Before i forget, i want to mention a sweet ass book: "Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging" by Louise Rennison. i would recommend you all read it.

Quiz time! (because my quiz blog is being a bitch with a bad gateway.) Muchlove to you - who posted these quizzies.

This one was obvious before i even started:

How evil are you?

This one was obvious too, though i thought the number would be bigger... lol.

I am 73% Evil Genius

Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.

Take the Evil Genius Test at


Histrionic:Very High
Narcissistic:Very High

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Power-hungry, hmm?

What Planet Are You From?

this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim

So anyways. On to the actual post...

Friday night in detail? Ok! i actually wrote every detail in my palm pilot... safest fucking place i can think of. Here's the edited version...

Valentine's Day! I had so much fun. I went to Snow Valley and went snowboarding (for the third time - EVER.) with Jeremy, jordan, Doug, Kevin, and Brandon. Yes, me and 5 other guys. It's one of the most interesting experiences i've ever had. Originally, it was supposed to be me, Jeremy, Elya, and Tim, but Elya nd Tim cancelled last night at the last minute... ARG. I was mad at first when i found out, but actually, i had a shitload of fun. Jeremy's mom picked me up. Sarah and i were walking home from the bus and they drove past us, honked, and then went on to our house. I got there, and i had to run in really quick because Natalie (Jeremy's mom) had to go back to work after she dropped us off. So, in my rush, i forgot the sandwich i had made this morning and was left only with a bottle of Coke i'd bought at school. That day was also the V-Day dance at school. it was a video dance and it was ok. Then again, our school is so fucking cheap... I guess teh council is doing their best. I just hope the next one is a night dance. Anyways. back to snowboarding. We drove to Snow Valley and Natalie dropped us off, so we went in, but you can't buy the $5 tickets until ten to five, because they only become valid at 5 o'clock. I couldn't even get my rentals, because they get really cheap at 5 too. We were there at 4:20. Then there was another problem, Doug needed a MasterCard number and mom said i couldn't use hers, so Doug was looking hopeless. Luckily, Jordan's mom allowed it, though I think Jordan got himself grounded...

I had a huge headache and i was a little stressed about Doug's situation because the guys wanted me to use the card number and not tell but i said no and they left it alone, but anyways, my eyes really hurt, and Jeremy noticed that i was in pain and such, so he said "hey girlie, you ok?". I asked him if he had any aspirin, and he said no, but he decided he'd go upstairs and see if they were selling it up there. I told him not to bother, but he ran off so i couldn't stop him, and i ran after him, but didn't catch him in time. They didn't have any anyways, so he tried to run off again to go ask one of the hill patrol people but i got in front of him while we walked down the stairs, and managed to restrain him.

So finally we got all the rentals in order and everything and we headed out to the hill. We decided to start with the magic carpet, because Doug hadn't been snowboarding in several years and needed to start from the beginning. That was ok, but it always takes me a while to get my balance and everything worked out, so the little hill wasn't steep enough for me to get any speed and i was bored. We stopped that pretty quick and went to the tow rope. I failed miserably at that. I tried twice and fell both times so i gave up and just watched the guys go up a couple of times, but they soon got bored even of that, so we moved right to the chairlift. We returned to the tow rope later, because the guys wanted to practise their manuals, and at that point, i had no problem, because i'd regained my balance.

Me and Jordan and Brandon and Kevin had a bit of a snow fight. I wouldn't call it a snowball fight...cause the snow was just too damn powdery. But we're sitting at the top of the hill, and Jordan decides it'd be funny to throw a handfull of snow in my face. ha. ha. I showed him! lol, still, barrels of fun.

So after we'd done the chairlift twice or three times, we decided to take the T-Bar, and hurrah! I made it all the way up. I went last, after Doug, so that if he fell, i could get off and board down with him. But he didn't fall, i was so proud! lol. I got to the top and we all put our bindings on and then all the guys except Doug wanted to take the jump, so i took Doug a different way and we met them at the bottom. I was almost at the bottom when Brandon stopped just a little ways away from me and i was coasting to a stop, and he started to slide sideways and i almost hit home and we both fell over, but he had his boot out already and both mine were still in their bindings, so he gave me his hand and pulled me over to where the rest of the guys were waiting. I didn't act any different, i just said 'thanks!" and he's a friend of Jeremy's so i doubt he cared what Brandon said to me. Jeremy got to the bottom of the hill and joined us and Jordan said "Brandon just tried to kill your girlfriend" and Jeremy said "you better start running, Brandon." in a joking tone though, and i said "oh no, it's all good cause he pulled me all the way over here to make up for it."

When we headed back to the T-Bar, the line up was a lot longer, so we decided to go doubles. Jeremy said "I'm taking Jen!" and he has the opposite footing that i do, so that made it easy. One time going up, Doug fell off so we were going to meet him at the bottom. But because i had no one to go around the jump with, i boarded over to the ridge and sat there to wait for the guys to take the jump. Jeremy came over and sat with me while we waited for the rest of them. My head was killing me, so i rested on his stomach. Felt nice.

We were standing in line for the T-Bar at about 9:00, so we didn't have a whole lot of time left. Somehow, everyone else got ahead in the line and me and Jordan were kinda far from them. Jordan is hilarious, he kept poking me and pushing me and such and i was required to fight back. (at one point, we started flapping our hands like fighting preppy girls and he got all hurt cause i hit his fingers pretty hard, i guess. I was so proud, i beat Jordan in a girly fight! lol.) So we're standing in line and Jordan decides to tell me some funny stories about him and Jeremy. One such story involving a potential christmas gift for me that Jeremy looked at. I told Jeremy that Jordan had told me this funny story and he laughed. He said "Yeah! I almost bought it too!" Then i said "Jordan said you were afraid you'd get your balls kicked in." and he said "yeah, i was just a little afraid."

Personally, i think it's hilarious. Although, i don't know what i would have done if he'd actually bought it.

Something funny happened. Doug said something remotely insulting to Jeremy, something like "you suck" nothing big, but still, i felt i should protect him. You know me, very protective of my babies. I said "Doug, if i ever hear you say that again, i will FUCK YOU. No, not literally, i mean, i will fuck you up." It was so much less smooth than it could have been, were i better at speaking quickly and making it up as i go along... So Jeremy says "Thanks for clearing that up for us, Jen." And he kissed me. We all laughed and it was grand.

I even tried the jumps three times tonight. I fell all three times, never managed to land it, but still! I got a little bit of air, and i'm usually not that brave. Jeremy is changing me, and i like the new me.

Heehee... *is happy*

Stupid fucking haloscan not working... that's just fucking fine! lol. Fuck. Didja know that i took a quiz called "what swear word are you?" and it turns out i'm FUCK. Gee, anyone not see that coming? lmao.

yay! I love long posts. Even though it was all centered around one event that took place over a span of about 6 hours. It made me uber-happy.

I spent several hours at Elena's today. Realized i had not been in her house for almost a year... and the last time i spent over an hour chasing Shannon like a psycho. rotflmao. We chatted, we watched Gravitation... mmm, shiouchi (sp?). mmm, pocky. lol POCKY! HE'S EATING POCKY!! Elena? What are the pictures of? Yes, i missed that. Courtenay, you know the scene where shiouchi (sp?) is in the parkade with that guy from ASK and the other guys are there and he's taking pictures? Well, i thought those guys were there to beat his ass. Apparently i missed the whole point. woops! lol. Hey! Stop laughing! *sobs* We also played some DDR. ha! i was amazing! Me in all my beginner level glory. Foot pads weren't completely working, but i was having so much fun.

Ok, it's late. I must work tomorrow! yay! I see the boy tomorrow! *girlish squeal*

Goodnight munchkins!

girlie let loose @ 12:11 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, February 15, 2003

How dare you?
{music: radio - power 92}

Fuck you. I'm sick of your shit. Stop lying to my face cause next time i'm gonna have to work hard to stop myself from bashing your nose in, motherfucker.

On another, more pleasant note, i went snowboarding tonight and had an absolute blast. I hope all of you had great V-days or anti-V-days, whichever you support, myself, i celebrate both, depending who i'm with. ^_^

Jeremy was such a sweetie. Elya and Tim decided at the last minute to not go. So it was just me and five guys. Jeremy, Jordan, Doug, Brandon, and Kevin. One of the scariest, yet most fascinating experiences i have ever had. Not to mention that i had a blast boarding. These guys are hilarious. Seriously. And it was so cute, Jeremy was getting all 'stake my territory' in front of his friends, which i, of course, had no objection to. I mean, think about it, if it were me, four of my closest girl friends, and Jeremy, i'd be possessive too. I thought it was sweet. He didn't seem any more shy when the guys were around. He was Valentiney and such. Made for a wicked cool night. Combine a hot guy being a total sweetheart to you, and snowboarding, and meeting new and interesting people, and having a hot guy be a total sweetheart to you, and trying out my first jump, and laughing, and having a hot guy be a total sweetheart to you just made me the happiest girl in the world. And shit. Jordan had some hilarious stories about Jeremy to tell me, some of which he probably shouldn't have. Like what my christmas present would have been had Jeremy not been afraid that i would have kicked his balls in. hehehe... *cracks up*

Jackie, i've decided to stick with a regular stance, i can make it up the T-Bar so easy and i actually sort of started carving too, i've been leading with my left foot too, i figured out how to do without feeling all twisted and such. You would have been so proud of me. And to boot, i got a board with a grip, so every time i got off the chair or the t-bar i could easily slide over to where we were sitting and even turn and stuff without falling down. It was AWESOME. Now i need my own board. I'm saving up for one. I am so excited. I could pay it off so quick considering how much more i'd go if i didn't have to pay for rentals. Next year maybe i'll get a pass, too.

*is excited*

Well, it's late. i have to work tomorrow.


girlie let loose @ 12:17 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Thursday, February 13, 2003

it won't last forever, Jen. Get a grip!
{music: radio}

I've been spending a lot of money lately, without even really realizing it. I gotta stop. Geex, i have like 60 dollars left. Shit. Oh well, i just won't buy anything for a while. I can stop anytime i want!! *dissolves into shopaholic tears*

Had a good day today, chem quiz went exceptionally well, thanks to my good friend Brian!! Kudos man.

Also, discovered that the word "dude" is completely versatile, right Cork?
Dude (to say no)
DUDE! (to say yes)
d00d. (to say cool)
dude. (to say shit.)
dude! (to say no kidding!)
and many more! I mean, think about it! Dude! lol... i am so pathetic...

Talked to Jeremy today. He had a chem quiz too. He got like, 93%. I was so proud! I was like "OMG! I am so proud that is awesome you can be a chem nerd like me oh man this is crazy i am so happy for you i-" and he had to stop me i was so excited. But he declined the chem nerd club invite... lol, JK! There's no club! Or else you'd ALL be invited! lmao. Ok, serious lack of sleep is getting to me...

You'll never believe who i saw on the bus home today. Mme. Obrien! I was like, whoa! Hi! And we talked all the way to my stop. Looks like she won't be coming back to school for a while. But it was really good to chat with her, not like a teacher, but like a friend, it was always so easy to do that with her. Plus she told me the reason she got sick. LACK OF SLEEP. GO TO BED RIGHT NOW I MEAN IT. Seriously, it almost scared me. She was only getting one or two hours of sleep a night, and if not for that, she'd still be at the school, chipper as ever. But it's not her fault either. She told me that she has restless leg syndrome. You know how you're about to fall asleep, and suddenly it feels like you're falling and you jerk back awake? That happens to her all night. She never gets past the second stage of sleep. There are four stages.

Speaking of which, i gotta get up early tomorrow and shower, you know, get all pretty and such for our too-cool dance. I am SO wearing liquid liner! w00t. lol. Anyways, i'm going to sleep.


girlie let loose @ 11:11 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Wednesday, February 12, 2003

well, well, well.
{music: Volvo Driving Soccer Mom - Everclear}

Oh i used to a bad girl.
I got busy in the bathroom at my high school prom.
Yeah i used to be a dancer at the local strip club
But now i know my ride waits on my bra

I really used to be a bad girl
i had a threesome with my sister and her boyfriend Tom
I know i used to be a real wild child,

*fasy forward*

Where do all the porn stars go?
When the lights go down
I wonder where all the porn stars go,
cuz when you need one they are never around

*fast forward*

Where do all the porn stars go?
When the lights go down.
i think i know where all the porn stars go,

lol. OMG i love that song. Muchlove to Jarrah for sending that puppy.

i found an interesting quote, and believe me i had to work hard to find it.

"I forgot that to voice one's thoughts and feelings when they are contrary to Jen's is equal to inviting the wrath of all of hell."

Thank you. Thank you very much. Now, it's up to anyone reading this to decide whether or not that's sarcasm on my part. Because i'm not telling.

Snowboarding is cool. I am going on friday. We're hoping all of edmonton has V-Day plans that don't involve Snow Valley. I don't knwo how well that'll work.

Kudos to three people:

Erin, you're tough as nails and don't forget, you'll need that strength.
Cork, you've just been great, thanks muchly.
Jarrah, no words can explain what you've done for me. You are the very essence of joy, and don't you dare ever cut off my supply.

What else to say.

I'm in love! Have i mentioned that lately? I know that they say this every time, but i really really hope the next dance is a night one... *hopes really really really hard*

Ok, it's fucking late and i have a chem quiz tomorrow. need sleep. g'night.


girlie let loose @ 11:39 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Here I come! Ready or not!
{music: Moulin Rouge Soundtrack}

Lied straight to my face didn't you? That's ok, it made no difference in the end.

lol. Had one of the worst fucking days of my life today. What's funny about that, you ask? Absolutely jack shit. I'm really confused, don't know what to say, what to withhold. What to keep from even myself.

I like to sing. I spent all of last night and most of today singing. The secret lover's song from Moulin Rouge, which i watched on Sunday in case you wondered.

Lots of shit has been going down, and the lucky part is i'm staying on top. I haven't been looking too good the last few days, i'm such a god damn scrub. I was all stressed and had a mini breakout which blows but it's temporary... i can fix it.

Katelyn (Adkin) asked me if i was ok today. I told her no. She looked at me funny when i didn't say anything else and i continued.
"But i will be, so don't worry bout it okay?".

I don't know what's wrong but it's serious. It's become the drink of life, i can't get rid of it, it consumes me every moment of every day. I feel possessed. It makes me smile but being cut off sends me into a psychotic rage. I'm so sorry if i'm every cold to one of you. I don't mean it. Some days i wish i could just stay home, not for my benefit, but yours. I don't mean to be such a huge bitch. Well, sometimes i do... lol. But usually i feel horrible. Sorry in advance.

Although my day could have been a billion times worse. I could have been lied to - more so than normal. I could have sat alone all Religion class instead of laughing and having fun with the Cork and Elena (thanks guys) and i could have hung up early and not heard all you had to say.

muchlove to my babies.


girlie let loose @ 6:47 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Monday, February 10, 2003

aaaaaand, we're good.
{music: radio}

I finished my fucking religion. Stupid crap-ass 'religion' class. (it's just a cover for english, y'know. She misses teaching english, i just know it.)

Oh god. I am going to choke Sheryl Crow if i ever happen to see her walking down the street. THIS SONG IS DRIVING ME INSANE!! it's not even that bad of a song, i've just been hearing it SO MUCH lately.

whew. Had a close call to a difficult decision today. On friday, i'm going to Rabbit Hill to go boarding, and they wanted to leave at lunch... in other words, i'd miss the dance. I said "i don't know... my friends will flay me alive." But luckily, we're going after school, so no biggie! w00t. *is relieved*

You know the necklace i was wearing today? The bone one that Erika gave me last christmas? Well, Jeremy thought it was so awesome that he wanted to borrow it... so he's wearing it. it actually looks really good on him... lol, i forgot to get it back after work, but it's sweet all the same. I called him about Rabbit and he said something really sweet about it reminding him of me. awww. Inexplicable joy, i tell ya.

But shit, the dinner on Saturday... fuck, what am i gonna say? arg. I better call him tomorrow.

- make the flower phone call.
- call AMA
- find the fucking license plate cover... possibly talk to some people about more ideas
- update resume, plan where you're taking it.
- homework... if you feel like it.
- get 'nice' for TKD. I know what that means.
- call mark... explain.
- call Kory! god damn.
- Call Dad... he's coming home.
- look up times and prices for Rabbit
- leave that message on Jeremy's phone.

damn. long list. i'm guessing oe or two of those things will actually get done... shit.

feeling better, in case you wondered. I'm off to shower the disgusting smell offa me!



girlie let loose @ 10:57 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Sunday, February 09, 2003

It's magic.
{music: none - silence.}

I had to make the call, but i'm so glad i did. Not only did i get a chem high, but i talked to Jeremy. I mean, we talked. It was great, and he made me feel so much better. God i felt like shit. I needed to feel appreciated and there he was. And the really crazy thing? My eyes were killing me when i picked up that phone. Now they don't hurt even the slightest bit. It's magic.

and it's forever.


girlie let loose @ 10:58 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.


I'm not slow. I know that. So why can't i figure this out?

girlie let loose @ 9:26 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

Feels like forever...
{music: silence except for the humming of my laptop}

It feels like i haven't posted forever... i guess it has been three days...

I went to Erika's brithday shindig tonight, had a blast, though i was aware of the drastic differences between my character and those around me. It was strange, but it didn't stop me from acting the way i usually do... loudly. lol.

I used my super-skills to find two new things tonight. We'll see if they aid me or not. I think they will. *looks around evilly*

Jarrah and Michael... blogspot is being a bitch. It won't let me see your blogs... not sure why, will try again tomorrow.

Yesterday i went snowboarding with Jack and Jeremy. Had a sweet ass time, except Jack had to leave a bit early. Then there was the fact that Jeremy kept tackling me... that and pushing me while i'm trying to uncoordinatedly slide over to the T-Bar... And Jack... you were so mean!!! lol, just KIDDING! After you left, Jack, we went on the T-bar again, and let me tell you it is damn difficult going up wiht someone who has the same footing as you. Attempt one: asian woman on skis coming straight down the T-Bar track slams right into us... fun. Attempt two: We make it! I fall on my face at the end and crawl the hell out of the way as fast as possible, avoiding the T-Bars flying at my skull. Attempt 3: We go seperately. I make it great for about 30 seconds, hit a rut, and fall on my ass. I meet Jeremy at the bottom. For the fifth time, he takes a jump and almost creams a small child. They seem to always be in the way of those damn jumps! I shake my head. The hill is closed... we return my stuff. Mike picked me up. Turns out Jeremy waited another like 20 minutes before his ride got there. I felt so bad! I should have waited. I was afraid that Mike would be in a bad mood. I think he was. I have difficulty telling the difference between innocent silence, and anger/frustration/annoyed-ness/just don't talk he might eat you. I might be going again this friday. Me and Elya are planning a double-date for Valentine's day! w00t! *does the rocker chick pose*

Anyways, it's 1:03. I should be asleep. Oh, by the way. Seeing as i wrote this after midnight, any time i said "yesterday" or "today", it really isn't true, cause "today" is really yesterday and "yesterday" is really the day before yesterday. see? lol, i hope i didn't confuse you!

Goodnight. *kisskiss*

P.S. You do that to Erin, you deal with me, punk. You got that? Good.

girlie let loose @ 1:07 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, February 01, 2003

JDG ROOLZ! hehe. w00t.
{Music: Radio - top 40 or something...}

He sure does. ah. yes.

I hope peoples are back by now! I kept busy but i kept forgetting you were gone Jarrah and i'd pick up the phone and start dialing and then remember that you were in marmot! I hope you all had fun!

I finally went to see The Ring with Jeremy on Wednesday.. but hell, i've probably already said this...

Michael and i exchanged a few e-mails, it's been awhile and it felt good. I had a craptacular day at work today, got out an hour late because the new manager has no clue what she's doing. She's really nice, and it's not her fault, but she doesn't know the store yet, it was wrong to throw her in there alone and expect her to get it all done in time. Me and Doug worked our asses off from 6:15 (when i should have left) and 7:15 (when we did leave). Not to mention the 4 hour lunch rush we had that involved me being eaten by angry customers because the people in the back decided to be retarded and ignore the food we called. Fuckers.

Anyways. Now i'm at home, so it's all good. I have laundry to do... people to call. I'm out for now.


(Hencewhy... lmao. JUST KIDDING!)

girlie let loose @ 9:47 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

Don't lose your chance
{music: Eminem - Lose yourself}

mm, did lots of updating to my palm pilot tonight. I mean, this morning. It's one billion times easier to keep a blog that you know no one will ever read. One that you can protect with passwords and codes. Crack this one fucker. Just kidding! But seriously. It is.

Me and Doug invented a new word today. Actually, Doug invented it and i stole it. It's 'hencewhy'. Like, henceforth... but *cooler*. lol. Doug's been really cool lately. He quit smoking. I'm so proud of him. He stopped hanging out with the reefers and now he's such a funny guy and i actually found myself genuinely laughing at his jokes on the bus all afternoon.

Blagh. i have to work tomorrow. I'm gonna get some sleep.


girlie let loose @ 1:11 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

You can call me Lyra. I've got brown hair, blue eyes, and psychotic tendancies. Currently, my favorite song is You and Me (cover) by Simple Plan, my favorite movie is Kill Bill, my favorite book is 1984 by George Orwell, and i'm feeling The current mood of at


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