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b00m! goes Thursday, March 27, 2003

{music: Lucky Boys Confusion - Dumb Pop Song}

I am so freaking excited about my party!!!! agh. Seriously, but i am a little disapointed that i could only invite like 10 people. And two very important people, Jarrah and Brian, will not be attending. *sigh* It's always sad when someone can't make it to your party. That's alright, i'll spend with time with those two later! *smile*

I'm gonna steal your girlfriend, i'm gonna steal your girlfriend

lol, this song is hilarious.

Colonel, uj is being a bastard and won't let me comment, but you can check my lj for my answer to your question!

night folks!

girlie let loose @ 10:33 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, March 22, 2003

wow. looks like i forgot to hit publish after that last post.

I did something new and it was the most fun i''ve ever had in my life. New stuff rules.

Good night...

*dies of exhaustion*

girlie let loose @ 11:53 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Monday, March 17, 2003

phones are wonderful
{music: phone with Jeremy}

ah, just hung up.

i told him i was blogging, asked him if he wanted to say anything to my friends. He said, "w'sup."



girlie let loose @ 10:28 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Sunday, March 16, 2003

w00t!! w00t!!
{music: Daniel Bettingfield cd - he does NOT look like a girl!!}

Well, the good news is, the project is on a disk.
The bad news is, it's not printed out and in my hand.

ah well. She'll be sympathetic... i hope.

I realized the lack of postage going on and realized how much i missed posting this week. I try to post every day.. this week was so freaking busy. I didn't go straight home after school a single day this week. Monday, i went to work. Tuesday, stayed for open house. Wednesday, went to the mall to see Jeremy cause it was his birthday, Thursday, stayed for flute and to work on social. Friday, went to southgate to pick up some stuff before going to Jeremy's surprise party - which he never even suspected, btw. Saturday night was spent at Elena's, and tonight i went to a hockey game with the father. Had a blast. The refs were hilariously biased. heehee.

Anyways, I have much things to do... with writing and preserving moments and such. *grin*

On another note, Doug rules. You make me laugh Doug. I hope you get her ass fired and come back to us.

night darlins.

girlie let loose @ 10:53 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

party it up, yo!
{music: Guster - Rainy Day}

*sigh* Why, Kory, why?

Parties this weekend! dude. Seriously. Last night - Jeremy's surprise bday partay.
I went over there early and we decorated and listened to Spice Girls and sang all the words. It was crazy ass fun.
When he walked in the door we attacked him with silly string - and then spent the next 10 minutes peeling it off the carpet... yummy. We ate chips and popcorn and drank pop and we watched the New Guy, oh man that movie is hilarious. I was lying on the floor beside Jeremy and he just looked so content there with all his friends and his presents, watching a movie, just relaxing and i wanted to take a picture. He noticed me watching him and he turned his head to look at me. He smiled and said "what?" and all i could tell him was "happy birthday" and he smiled and said "i love you." I told him likewise. It was a perfect moment. And then it was over. but i can't get it out of my head. Him, lying there, looking so happy. And i realized how happy he really is. He gets along with his family, he's got good friends who don't pressure him into anything, he's gonna have his license in less than a week, and his girlfriend and his sisters were throwing him a surprise party. I wished the night would never end, but it did, and all too soon. That's alright, more crazy fun will come.

And tonight was the munckin's birthday. I was so happy for her, she looked like she was having fun. I don't know, it was wierd, i was in a crowded room with a bunch of my friends, and yet, somehow i felt like i didn't belong. I wanted to get out, it was making me crazy. Someone would come over and talk to me, and i'd converse freely. All i wanted to do was talk and talk and talk. Work was so bad. So so bad. But a minute or two later, they'd get up and leave. I felt so left out. And it's no one's fault, i suppose it was just a mood. Thanks for letting me just lie there and listen to you talk, and letting me talk, but not forcing it. And letting it be silent. It saved me. I had a good night, and Elena was a doll. Yummy pizza, yummy ice cream. god i feel like a shit for saying this. It sounds like i'm all "feel sorry for me, i was alone at a party" but that's not what it was. I just needed to find my place, for my mood. And i did. So thank you. Maybe i should just say it to you, hm?

I'm tired, gonna post on the lj... i'm e-mailing you all the url. Anyone else who wants it can contact me.


girlie let loose @ 12:54 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Tuesday, March 11, 2003

all i wanted, but could never ask.
{music: SAGE - King of Sorrow}

All i ever wanted from you was your love.
The one thing i could never ask for was your respect.
Every day i worked harder and harder to gain that ultimate prize.

But you took it away again.

How can i feel loved, if you can't love me?
How can i feel accomplished, if all you do is see my faults?
Maybe you're trying your best...
but it still makes me sad.

girlie let loose @ 11:18 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Sunday, March 09, 2003

{music: Sarah McLaughlan cd - Tumbling Towards Ecstasy}

This is gonna be a short post. I'm mad and i have to go make pizza dough.

How to help my mood?

*grabs the phone*


girlie let loose @ 5:58 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, March 08, 2003

{music: radio - The Bear *growl*}

I just got the best wakeup call of my entire life. Picture this, my room is pitch black, i'm sleeping like a log. The clock says 8:06. My alarm was set for 8:15. Suddenly the piercing ring of my cell phone cuts through the silence. It's sitting on the desk at the end of my bed recharging. After one ring, my eyes open, in the split second afterwards, my brain becomes awake enough to process what is happening, and by the time it has rung once more, i've picked it up, seen that it's Jeremy's cell calling and am pressing send. I said "hello?" and he says "hey!" all enthusiastic and such, and suddenly, i'm awake. He asked if i was still sleeping. I told him yeah, and he said sorry, but i could have cared less. My alarm was gonna go off in like 7 minutes anyways. He called because he'd promised me that he would call last night when he got to the hotel in Jasper. He didn't call last night because they didn't get there until like midnight. He felt bad and called me this morning before he left to go boarding. *sigh* It was so good to hear his voice again.

After he hung up, all my energy suddenly flew from me and i collapsed back onto my pillow, loosely holding the cell in my hand. I then thought about what had just happened, and look, here i am!! Wide awake! It was like he was my wakeup call. And i can't think of a better way to greet the morning.

I have to work today. I don't get off until 6:15. But knowing Mary, it'll be closer to 7 before i leave. Garg. Oh well, more money for me. As you've probably noticed, i changed my layout. You'll find a little 'about me' on the right side. I've instituted my online alias. I quite like it. Always wanted to use it. Now i can. Anyways. Keep your eyes open for little changes. I'll be tweaking the layout for the next few days, probably.

Well, i'm gonna go have some breakfast. It's good for ya, you know! XD


girlie let loose @ 8:35 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Wednesday, March 05, 2003

She's awake.
{music: radio - currently Alive by P.O.D.}

I like this song. It makes me want to jump up and headbang. Kevin says i have the hair for it. XD *grin*

Wow. Had a pretty darn good day today! Working on the no foul language thing. It's harder than i thought it would be. Partly because they just slip out, it's not like there's any thinking required, so i tend to swear before i even realize what i'm doing. Only to feel the pain of Jarrah's fist in my shoulder... *wink* And Michael. Well, you're only too glad to help out with the disciplining. Thank you ever so much. That was sarcasm, btw.

Started out with double-chem this morning. It was fun. We started balancing equations which is easy considering i already know how to do it. We also corrected our quizzes from yesterday. w00t. 100% that's what i'm talking about. My mark in chem right now is 98%. I'm so proud. Thing is, the first four chapters of Chem 20 are review of chem 10, with a few new vocab words. So, i'm doing really great right now, but i hope i can keep it up once we start doing the new stuff. We had a small class today, it seemed. Dunkley was in a good mood though, and she asked me lots of questions. I felt so included. Oooh! Yesterday this woman came and gave a little presentation about a summer program for gr. 11 students who want to get into health care. At the end she gave us all these little brochures, and who's picture was in there - like 6 times?? Nicole! That's right. Wrin, you're there. I mean, i'm sure you already know that but still... i thought it was quite exciting.

The celebration today... it was exactly as i expected it would be, but i only got 6 or 7 hours of sleep last night and my patience was shot. There were two little girls sitting behind me in the bleachers, and first of all, they would not stop moving around, but every five minutes i was being kicked in the back. *sigh* I know, i have no patience for small children, grumpy or not. But i guess being packed in a gym with all those people --- all those, so very young people --- well, i almost snapped. I'm not claustrophobic or anything. It's just humanity gets on my nerves. And i'm sorry Ber, i wasn't very nice today, i'm gonna try for a better 'tude tomorrow.

Eve 6 is on the radio now, i think it's called "On the roof again"
good song.

Gym last block. yuck. at least i didn't feel like i was gonna puke today. But my stomach did feel quite pained, considering i didn't do a whole lot of eating, but for some inexplicable reason - i actually think it's the lack of food, i've gotten all bloated and i feel so fat right now. Ugh. I'd do some crunchies, but i'm too lazy. And yet - almost more than anything i want to lose 15 pounds. Thing is, as much as i want to do that, i don't think i can. I'm not crazy enough to go anorexic and stop eating, and i just don't have the will power to have a proper diet - though i am trying to cut back on the gross greasy foods. I also don't get along very well with exercise. It's the weak ones like me that those evil abtronic people prey on, hoping to con just enough to make a nice profit. Hoping no one will read the news and find out that they actually don't work, and you have every right to get your money back - the BBB says so. Not that i bought one. But i always wanted one - lol. Just to see if it would work. Even though i knew it wouldn't. You know that old saying? If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. And that's a truth.

Went to southgate after schoolio today. Was lots of fun. Jeremy looked so good today. He was wearing his And One playgroud hoodie... i haven't seen him wear it in so long, it's my favorite one. I just wanted to hug him forever and ever. lol, that peaceful feeling y'know? *wink* That was the hoodie he was wearing when those punks attacked him and Steve when they were walking home one night. He was wearing it when a metal club swung through the air and connected with the side of his face. He blacked out. Doesn't remember anything except he started to run, and then suddenly he was in his bathroom, leaning over the bathtub, trying not to get blood on his hoodie. But blood did get on it. Not that you can tell now, nope. His mom took care of that one. He hardly even cares about that incident. I freaked out more than he did. Then again, i found out when Elya walked into work and said "Jen!! Jeremy was attacked by two guys with a metal club last night!!" Yeah, i panicked a little. Plus i haven't been de-sensitized to anything in real life. Give me the goriest movie you can find and i'll watch it without even flinching. But i hear that someone my age is drinking and i'm shocked. How does that work? I guess i grew up hearing, don't worry, it's only a movie.

But some movies are based on true stories.

I don't know how many times i've said this, but i've never been as proud of anything about myself as i am of this fact. He was no alchoholic, but he drank. And i told him i didn't like it. And he stopped. Completely. and it's not as if there's even a possibility he's BS-ing just to satisfy me. Cause i didn't hear it from him. I heard it from someone else. I had no idea he payed that much attention to what i disapproved of. All i have to say is "oh, honey, don't do that." and i may not even really be serious, i try to let him be his own person, but he takes that stuff to heart, and he won't do it! Elya almost started crying. She said "Jen, you're the best thing that ever happened to him! You cleaned up his act, and you didn't even try to. I never met any of his other girlfriends until after they'd broken up. He was ashamed of them, i knew it, because he knew i wouldn't like them. But you. Before you guys were going out he was already proud of you. It was like 'This is Jen. She's the one i was telling you about.' and boy, he did tell us about you. Did he ever stop talking about you? no. I felt like i knew you before we even met. I remember one day i asked you if you had a crush on him, you looked at me and said 'yeah.' and i saw in your eyes that this was so much more than a crush. And you asked me if he ever talked about you and i said 'yeah! all the time!' I told you about how he was always saying Jen this and Jen that and god why weren't the two of you married already? And you said, because of Jade. And we became best friends and you told me everything and i told you everything and it was great. And before long, we had disposed of Jade, muchly thanks to your reminding Jeremy every day that she didn't deserve him, and finally he did it. And then he asked you out. You were so giddy! And yeesh. 6 months from now, you'll still be giddy." That was all Elya. One of the most amazing conversations of my life. It ranks right up there along with the first time Jeremy ever told me he loved me. I slept for about 10 minutes that night.. but that's another story. I kinda got off track there... woops! Of course, that's not word for word, but about as much as i remember. I'm sure Elya's version would be different, we always seemed to remember things differently... lol.

Called Jeremy tonight, he had a lot of homework, i hope he's done by now, he gets even less sleep than i do! Craziness, i know!

Wow, it's late again. darnit i wanted to go to bed earlier tonight, but as usual, i got distracted. Well, i'd best be off now, then.

That was a long post... wee!

G'night munchkins.

girlie let loose @ 11:49 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Monday, March 03, 2003

Oh god i am a bad person i have not posted in so long....

Gah. It is much too late, my eyes hurt because once again i've spent hours reading megatokyo.... how sad.

these are the ones i wished to preserve:

Gosh, i hope i'm not doing anything illegal. Oh well. I am so screwed for this essay tomorrow. *grumble* Essays in religion class... what is this? Meh, i suppose i'll just do my best. So sleepy... *falls asleep* 'night.

girlie let loose @ 11:48 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, March 01, 2003

Need Sleep.
{music: none.}

Reading Megatokyo. But now i must stop. Here are the ones that really made me laugh. Good night!


I'd encourage you all to go read all of em. Yeah, i know there's a lot. I only made it to number 82 tonight.

girlie let loose @ 12:11 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

You can call me Lyra. I've got brown hair, blue eyes, and psychotic tendancies. Currently, my favorite song is You and Me (cover) by Simple Plan, my favorite movie is Kill Bill, my favorite book is 1984 by George Orwell, and i'm feeling The current mood of at


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