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b00m! goes Friday, August 29, 2003

[music: Evanescence - Surrender, Evanescence - Eternal]

I'm sooooo happeh! hehe

I fixed the pictures and oh my they are gorgeous, so i suggest you have a quick peek at the new layout at

It's very cool.


girlie let loose @ 9:43 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

How many gigs?
[music: 10 things i hate about you in the DVD player]

This is such a good movie. Plus, it's got Heath Ledger in it! hehe... Shush Courtenay.

Boy i've been having fun lately. I'd think it was too much fun for my own good but i'm enjoying it too much. XD

Anyway, helped michael become even cooler than he already is by buying 120 gigs for his computer. His hard drive now rivals that of the school's server. bahahaha. Sweet.

Oh, and the Taco Bell cheesy gordita crunch is very yummy.


girlie let loose @ 4:26 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Tuesday, August 26, 2003

ohhhh these magic changes...
[music: none]

Oh how fun it is to revamp the site a little. I finally got my two sidebars, like i always wanted as you've likely noticed, i may start out with one, but i usually end up with two. hehe. didn't even take me three days this time. w00t!

I'd like to draw your attention to the newest link on the left, name "pictures!". You should have a look at them, they're awesome.

Anyways, it's ten after one and i have to be alive tomorrow so i'll be off.

Good night!

girlie let loose @ 12:20 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Sunday, August 24, 2003

isn't he the sweetest?
[music: Lucky Numbers is on A-Channel]

I worked today from 12 to 5:30, a quick sunday shift. At about 4:30, guess who showed up? That's right! my boy! Oh man, i was shaking i was so happy. That's gonna make a great story for the lj. hehe.

I went driving for a bit tonight as well, t'was alright. I was bored, not sure what to do, i mean, we were just cruising around the Heritage mall parking lot, so it wasn't like i had to interact with other cars until we drove home, but meh. I'm tired.

I'm just really glad to have my internet browsing restored. XPP

girlie let loose @ 8:35 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, August 16, 2003

I feel good!
[music: Radio - The Bear]

I really do feel good. I'd even be in a disgustingly good mood if not for the fact that there's this ulcer of stress eating away at my insides. I'm just so lost- i don't know what i'm gonna do 'bout the boy's gift. HELP!

Anyway. Went out for pizza tonight and watched the Brady Bunch movie with was hilarious. Lots of corny little innuendos. ahaha. Had a good little chat with Elya-doll and i got to see the inside of their new house which is well on it's way to being built. I took the 28th off work so i could help them move. Should be fantastic. I love moving IN. It's the packing and moving OUT i don't like. hehe.


girlie let loose @ 11:23 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Friday, August 15, 2003

Good news!
[music: a whole crapload of the starting line]

I figured out what was wrong with the site! yay-ness! Turns out, when i added the keenspace link to Greg and Folin's webcomic, i forgot to end one of the tags, so it was taking ALL the rest of the code and adding it to the url. Silly me. I can't believe it took me so long to realize that. lol. oh well, it's fixed now!

It's pretty late and i do have to work tomorrow, but i'm talking to Hernandez on AIM and it's great. See y'all later!

girlie let loose @ 11:13 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, August 09, 2003

Forced to use tags...
[music: Edwin - Alive]

Everyone knows that me listening to this song means trouble. And boy do i mean trouble right now. I'm so angry! And yet so satsfied. Jeremy's parents picked me up from work today and we went to church and then out to Ron and Martha's for some banana bread, raspberries with cream, trampoline action, and motorbiking. Oh, and i met cousin Greg, and i got a picture of him getting some nice air on his quad.

Greg's got his blogger titles working. I noticed that feature a while ago, and tried to use it, but it didn't work for me. Maybe my compy was just being a dick. /me shrugs. In any case, i'm forced to use /b tags to bold out my title. meh. I'm so used to it now, i barely even realize i'm doing it.

Brought my Evanescence cd to work today and it got some airtime. Listened to it in Natalie's car too, with the subs on. hehe. *big grin*

Well, that's about all. I work tomorrow, and Elya starts working tomorrow, too! We're gonna try to coordinate our breaks. I hope it works out! Ooh, and Jeremy said he'd come see me sometime tomorrow as well. Three cheers!


girlie let loose @ 11:02 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Thursday, August 07, 2003

SO ganked!
[music: the eminem show]

Well, since i seem to be on a ganking roll from the Paladin himself lately, and i've been leaving his link in here an awful lot too, i thought to myself, why stop now? Oh, and the 20th (wednesday) is his 14th birthday. I'm spreading the news. XPP You rawk, dude!

SSQTE, Greg Lyra style!

Funny Asian Man

What's Your Personality Type?
brought to you by Quizilla

i only have one thing to say to that.... PWNAGE!


You're the loving smile,the one that is entirely
devoted to others,especially that one
person.You really can't get them out of your
head,but then,you don't really want to.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla



Are you Addicted to the Internet?

44% (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at!

mnehhhh, i donno, i spend more time on the compy than i do sleeping... probly not a good thing, but whatev.


what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!


And now, for your added enjoyment...


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at!


find your inner PIE @


My pickup line is:
Pardon me, have we met?
what's your pickup line?
| hey, baby.


heehee, this one is funny.

take the virgin-whore dichotomy quiz.

and go to where we're all studs.


take the nerd test.

and go to a nerd utopia.


Yup, that's all folks. Night!

girlie let loose @ 12:15 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Monday, August 04, 2003

[music: silence]

I did some more tiny little changes today. Namely, i made the moving part of the scrollbars black, so you can actually see where it is. It annoyed me not to know where on the page i was in relation to the scrollbar. hehe. I'm so easily annoyed. And no! I'm not OC. Well, not technically.

I have to work at 9 tomorrow morning, so i'm gonna keep this short. But oooooooh!!!

Look what i got!


Thanks, Greg the Paladin, Hero of the week.


girlie let loose @ 11:04 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, August 02, 2003

[music: Des'Ree - Love will save the day]

It's 12:30. I'm tired. I should be sleeping. And yet... of course, here i am. haha.

Spent some time with the boy and his sisters tonight. Was a whole friggin' barrel of fun as usual. We didn't go to church cause Jer had to work late, but the six of us did go out for supper at Pizza Hut which r0x0r3d.

Going out to the lake tomorrow with me mum. I'm hoping i get to do some driving in the Jetta. I promised Jer i'd have my license by the weekend before our anniversary so i can take him cruising, or he can take me cruising, or whatever. I gotta get it by then. It's my motivation.

Oh, and btw, i've stopped waiting for you to do what you said you'd do. Thanks anyways.


girlie let loose @ 11:45 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

[music: phone with ber-ber]

I haven't been on the compy in forEVER. And here's why...

Like-- a week ago, i was in here playing with my template, changing some colors and such, when somehow my entire template disappeared. I didn't publish, which is why my site's still been showing up...

So, it disappeared, i was all, "crap." So i remade the whole thing, changed all the little details, and then... my computer restarted before i could save it.

As my computer was rebooting, rage overcame me, and i hit the power button, not wanting to deal with the blog just then. I haven't posted or been online since, only checking my e-mail twice, and not really responding to anything. Feels good to be back.

girlie let loose @ 11:09 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

You can call me Lyra. I've got brown hair, blue eyes, and psychotic tendancies. Currently, my favorite song is You and Me (cover) by Simple Plan, my favorite movie is Kill Bill, my favorite book is 1984 by George Orwell, and i'm feeling The current mood of at


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