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b00m! goes Saturday, October 25, 2003

Yeah, yeah.
[music: Spoon - The Way We Get By]

I had a blast tonight. Spent the last... *counts*... 7 hours with Elya, Diana, and another Diana. Went on a crazy shopping rampage, but only ended up buying a few accessories for my princess costume that's finally coming to life. XDD I'm heading to Value Village (cause i'm that cool) for the actual dress. I got lots of pretty diamond-y stuff to wear with it, including a ring, with a HUGE rock on it (cubic zirconium, of course). I feel so pretty.

Gotta work tomorrow, as well as that bloody staff meeting. Oh, i am not pleased about that. Whatever, i'll get over it, i suppose.

It's so cold out! Why?! *sigh* Why can't it just be slightly warm out all year round, with brightly colored leaves and the smell of winter, without the cold? It's a week before Halloween, and i'm getting really excited. The dance was cancelled though, and that angers me. The only good thing is that now we have our chem quiz on friday. It'll be the highlight of my day. I was really looking forward to a double french, then options morning, followed by even less work, but no. Nobody wants to dance. Well, that's fine.

I'm really not even sure why it bugs me so much... i just - really wanted a night dance. GAH!! Forget it, not a big deal Jen, just forget it.

Little things are getting me stressed out. Jordan in some trouble and i'm concerned for him, though i'm sure i'll be told not to worry. *sigh*

Hopefully meeting the new man in Elya's life tomorrow morning before work. This, i greatly anticipate. XD. We're going to simulate some kind of cupid. Obviously, i've got to approve him. haha.

Had a very lively debate with Elya over supper tonight, regarding so many topics including human nature (my favorite), DNA manipulation, the theory of evolution, and the accuracy of the bible.

We went to see "Runaway Jury". I am teh love of John Cusack, and Rachel Wiesz (sp?), they were both great. Had my fill of popcorn and pop too! mmm.

And now "Stacie's Mom" is playing, and it's making me smile, reminds me of Vanessa. She loves this song.

Right well, i do need some sleep. Hope everyone has great weekends!


girlie let loose @ 12:14 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Thursday, October 23, 2003

blah, blah, blah.
[music: silence]

It's just the same old song and dance, and there's only one thing i can do about it, but i can't do it yet. Killer.

Anyway. Jeremy came to my grandma's house last night, was sociable and polite, and there was much laughing. A couple of my cousins showed up too, which was cool.

My eyes hurt, so i'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight, all.


girlie let loose @ 9:54 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Sunday, October 19, 2003

Perhaps i should clarify...
[music: Offspring - Want You Bad]

Ok, so for all the panicking commentors (see below. lmao.) i should explain about robots and church. First, they are separate events. phew!


I spent most of Saturday at NAIT'S ROBOT CHALLENGE 2003!!!!!!!!!!!111one

It was *so* cool. They had mini "sumo" robots fighting each other trying to push the other out of the ring, and they had sensors so that they wouldn't just run themselves off the ring. ohgod it was sweet.

There was a media challenge, remote controlled robots (the other ones were autotronic(sp?) so they steer themselves) and BAD from THE BEAR was there! He's so cool. Very punk. He didn't win, but the whole crowd was cheering for him.

Gawd i'm a geek. w00t!

It was NAIT's open house, so we went looking around a bit, found the chem lab.


I got to play with chemicals (namely a different version of bromethyl blue, some borox (a catalyst, i think.) and some sodium hydroxide)

And i'm going to attempt to get our chem class into a half-day session at NAIT where we get to synthesize our own version of Aspirin, and then test it for purity, among other lab-related activities. I almost pissed myself when i heard about that. GOVERNMENT FUNDED!! The only money our school would have to pay is for the bus ride there. How cool is that??


Well, come on, i mention this one every week. I usually go to Saturday night church with Jeremy and the rest of his family. It's always fun. Never thought i'd go to church again, but alas, here i am, and enjoying it, too!

I can't believe it's only 10:30. It feels so late!

Well, i'm off.


girlie let loose @ 9:43 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Friday, October 17, 2003

[music: Mood Ruff - Originate]

Yeah, so i went out babysitting tonight, right? We're watching some Thomas the Train video, and to my great surprise and slight disgruntlement, a train actually said that he was "all hot n' bothered" when he caught fire.

This is a children's video!!!!


Anyway. Tomorrow. Robots + Church = Awesome.

AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! NAS!!!! "I Can" just came on. XPP



deena neena neena neena na....
i know i can
be what i wanna be
if i work hard at it
i'll be where i wanna be!


girlie let loose @ 11:05 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Wednesday, October 15, 2003

to be only yours...
[music: Only Hope - Mandy Moore]

This song gives me the shivers.

Today was a good day. I mean, a really good day. There were, as always, a few moments where i was less than euphoric, but manageable. Got another nice message from my boy. Gawd he makes me smile. XD

What did i ever do to deserve you?

Went to the Citadel to see Arms and the Man. There was some crazy lunging action as well as $3 orange juice and 7-up. All in all, it was quite enjoyable.

Had two big tests today and performed quite well, which is always a good thing. I've started to develop a small friendship with M. Landry, and this is working to my advantage. I've got past the things about him that irritate me, and while he'll never be Dunkley, i can certainly appreciate his love for the science.

Anyway, it's midnight, so i'm gonna mail him back, and then get some sleep like i promised. Goodnight!


girlie let loose @ 11:16 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Monday, October 13, 2003

absolutely wonderful.
[music: Jewel - Stand]

I'm not normally a Jewel fan, but i do like this song.

So here's my question. Anyone have any advice for helping me stop my emotions from flying all over the charts? Cause it's driving me bonkers. Do I or don't i? I think i know but then i throw myself a curveball and burst into tears because i can't figure it out. *sigh* I'm not even on b.c. or anything. Am i just an angsty teen? Gawd i sound like i need a psychiatrist. Let's move on.

I got my very first e-mail from teh boy today and it made me smile. It's put me in an absolutely wonderful mood. I miss him and i miss the chicklets. I'm really looking forward to this week just ending.

Wednesday night is the first play for Citadel Club kids! w00t! It's called "Arms and the Man" and i've no clue what it's about, though i seem to remember it saying something about a gun armed with chocolate instead of bullets....? Or something. lol.


My mom discovered tonight that i'm a very angry individual. She thinks this is abnormal. She thought maybe i should see someone... Mike and i snorted before attempting to convince her that a 16 year old girl should have a healthy dose of rage. I'm not even sure if she was serious or not about a shrink. Anyways.

Time for bed... AHHAHAH. *ahem*



girlie let loose @ 10:27 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Tuesday, October 07, 2003

i'm hyperventilating!!
[music: Fefe Dobson - Bye Bye Boyfriend]

Oooooooh!! I love my new layout. It took me three days of redoing and redoing and redoing it because i kept losing it (grrr), but it's finally done. Although i don't know if i'm completely attatched to the orange text or not. For anyone interested, this is what the layout looked like before i messed around with it, put in a couple pictures of AMY LEE of EVANESCENCE, changed the colors, and put my comments back in and all those little details.

I'm so proud of myself. I've never put in my own pictures or added a third table so quickly. A layout makeover usually takes me upwards of a week and this time we're talking a matter of hours. Granted, it's 12:30 and i'm gonna be grumpy tomorrow, but hell! Look at it! It's beautiful.

Kookymcpictures will be modified soon to match the site, but i'm too tired for that now.

Ooh! And two more bits of good news! Teh boy got an e-mail address (glee!) and he's coming over tomorrow, which will be fantastic since i haven't seen him since last thursday (tear) and he's leaving town on thursday for thanksgiving.

(( He's gonna be so jealous!!!! ))

Alright, that's enough adrenaline for me. XP


girlie let loose @ 11:47 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Sunday, October 05, 2003

I'm getting excited already!
[music: George Laraque's countdown on Power 92]

Alright, i'm trying to pick a coolio halloween costume, and i'm web surfing for ideas. Tell me what you think is the best! I need a really good costume for the party out in Summerside!

Devil (with flames!!)

Midnight Priestess (just check out her hair!)

Ok... so there weren't a whole lot. Any suggestions?


girlie let loose @ 8:12 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, October 04, 2003

just stop.
[music: Evanescence]

I hate my life.

girlie let loose @ 6:01 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Wednesday, October 01, 2003

[music: Sky - Push]

Greg, i found the spellchecker! Muchthanks.

I'm too tired for typing. boooo...

shush you.


girlie let loose @ 10:25 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

You can call me Lyra. I've got brown hair, blue eyes, and psychotic tendancies. Currently, my favorite song is You and Me (cover) by Simple Plan, my favorite movie is Kill Bill, my favorite book is 1984 by George Orwell, and i'm feeling The current mood of at


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