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b00m! goes Sunday, November 30, 2003

same old, same old.
[music: I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace]

Yeah, so i'm a bugger and i never post. Shush.

My life has suddenly become complicated again. Wonderful.

I miss Jeremy, i haven't seen him for an awfully long time. Not since last Saturday. He had to leave for Saskatchewan right after school on friday and he doesn't know when he'll be back. I sincerely hope that everything will be alright.

Everytime i think about that dream that you had about me, Hernandez, i start to giggle uncontrollably. It's great.

Went to see "American Wedding" aka "American Pie 3" tonight with Mike. Saw Brendan O there. The movie was SO funny. Oh god Stifler's hot. XPP But such an ass.

OMG!!! Saw a guy at Southgate today wearing a "ph34r" shirt. Yeah, this one. Was THIS close to whipping out my camera and begging him to allow me to take a picture, but alas, i did not have the courage. I'm regretting it now. If only Elena had been there to scream something random for me. XPP

Well, it's very late, and my mother told me to go to bed a long time ago. In a minute... or two. *evil*

Night and Ni!

girlie let loose @ 12:51 AM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Thursday, November 13, 2003

i'm sorry!
[music: All For You - Our Lady Peace]

I had such fun today watching the JB rehearsal. It's gonna be good, i just know it. Can't wait.

Also, just thought i'd mention that i love OLP. yummy.

Chem quiz went alright, there's one question that i know i got wrong, it's 10 times too big. Must have misplaced a decimal point someplace in the calculator. DAMMIT. Oh well.

Listened to Ryan's band practise for a bit today and they're sounding really good too, i'm still hopefully going to see them perform in St Albert later this month... we'll see i suppose. Although i think the rehearsing group was getting a little irritated after five hours of practising without a moment of silence. mwaw.

I haven't posted here for over a week. How bad am i? XPP meh.

Going to visit the boy tomorrow, can't wait for that either. Tomorrow's going to pass by very slowly.... i can tell.



Can anyone say "bunny of death"? Am i the only one who thinks MONTY PYTHON when faced with that image? hehe.

girlie let loose @ 10:01 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Tuesday, November 04, 2003

[music: The Postal Service - Brand New Colony]

Greg has an lj! How exciting, i'm off to check it out.

I like this song.

oh shit. Just realized i have my chromatic scale quiz tomorrow and i really just - can't play it. GREAT!!!!


girlie let loose @ 9:29 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

b00m! goes Saturday, November 01, 2003

too bad.
[music: Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby]

Halloween was SO much fun. Dressed up for school, did well (as far as i know) on my two quizzes, then went trick or treating through the elementary hall with Michael before catching the bus.

Went to Jeremy's for the party at about 6. Watched "Wrong Turn", but wasn't really paying attention, it was kinda lame...XP. Lots of laughing. Ate lots of candy, through lots of candy. Met some new people. Turned down the idea of strip poker. From B, of course. lol. That won't make any sense to most of you.

Went home at about 12:45. I was satisfied.

Worked today with Jill and both Erins. And Jeannette. It was busy, but we had fun. I even saw my old boss, Doug just before i left. Jeremy's parents picked up me and Elya and we went back to the house to chill. Watched "The Italian Job". Yummy Seth Green, Mark Wahlberg, and Jason Statham. Will love that movie forever.

Came home, and turns out i missed several calls from my parents to my cell phone. Was dead when i went to check it. oops.

Hopefully will see the boy tomorrow. *hopes*



girlie let loose @ 11:06 PM | Baby, you make me precipitate.

You can call me Lyra. I've got brown hair, blue eyes, and psychotic tendancies. Currently, my favorite song is You and Me (cover) by Simple Plan, my favorite movie is Kill Bill, my favorite book is 1984 by George Orwell, and i'm feeling The current mood of at


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